Sunday, November 7, 2010

9th, 12th and 15th November

Put on your headphones. Then, listen and repeat. 

Daily routines
Possessive adjectives

Els pronoms personals van davant del verb:
He wants to buy a new car. (Ell vol comprar-se un cotxe nou.)
She is studying Catalan. (Ella estudia català.)
It barks a lot. (Lladra molt. --> It s'empra per a referir-nos a coses, animals o fenòmens atmosfèrics: It is raining --> Plou.)
We never eat garlic. (Nosaltres mai no mengem all.)
You read a lot. (Vosaltres llegiu molt.)
They are good friends. (Ells o elles són molt bons amic o molt bones amigues.) 

Tanmateix, en oracions interrogatives el verb o el auxiliar passa davant d'aquests pronoms:
Can you help me? (Pots tu ajudar-me?)
Has she got the comic? (Té ella el còmic?)
Does he write very often? (Escriu ell molt sovint?)
Els adjectius possessius precedeixen sempre un nom:
This is my van. (Aquesta és la meua furgoneta.)
Your lorry is very big. (El teu camió és molt gran.)
His house is enormous. (Sa casa és enorme.)
Her face is beautiful. (La seua cara és preciosa.)
Its wing is broken. (La seua ala és trencada.)
Their work was excellent. (El seu treball fou excel·lent.)

Days, months and seasons.

Please note that the first letter of the month is capitalised in English, but not in Catalan or Spanish:
She painted her house blue in September.
(Ella) va pintar sa casa de blau pel setembre. (Catalan)
(Ella) pintó su casa de azul en septiembre. (Spanish)
Do not capitalise the seasons:
He wants to climb (Mount) Everest in (the) summer.
(Ell) vol pujar a l'Everest a l'estiu. (Catalan)
(Él) quiere escalar el Everest en verano. (Spanish)

Choose a level and find the words:

Frequency adverbs

Present Simple Affirmative


I / you / we / they P L A Y  but!   he / she / it  P L A Y S (! go - goes, do - does, have -has...) 

Choose a word
Review Animals, clothes, colours and numbers vocabulary

Dore, visit these pages,please
Listening activities and games

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